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I've HATED this woman.


I've HATED this woman...

Actually, I've not loved her at all most of her life.

I've fed her despicable lies and repeatedly told her she wasn't good enough.

I have allowed others to convince her that she is not worthy of love, success, or peace.

Person suffering from behavioral health issues

I've allowed her to be broken. I've allowed others to treat her disrespectfully. I've allowed her to run through brick walls and battle for others who won't even stand beside her.

Although I couldn't stop others from abusing her, I have seen her stand up and be a light for the world and love others despite the pain of her own existence.

I have watched as she was paralyzed in fear. Caught in the brutal battle of her mind, heart, and soul.

You can love her or not, but if she loves you, she will fiercely love and defend you with her entire being.

This woman has screwed up so many times as a partner, as a daughter, and as a friend because she didn't think she was worthy of anything better. Her fear of hurting others kept her captive and suffering in silence.

She has a wickedly smart mouth, a stubborn streak, and she has secrets. She has scars because she has a history. She has so, so many scars...

She has done good things in her life, and she has done not-so-good things.

Every mistake, event, failure, trial, disappointment, success, joy, and achievement has made her into who she is today.

Some people love this woman, some like her, and some hate her guts, and that is OK...

She will not pretend to be who she is not and she will no longer make apologies for who she is.


She's far from perfect, but she has learned that she IS WORTHY after all. She deserves all the blessings that life can bring.


She is...

Gracefully Broken,

but Beautifully Standing.

—Credit to Rebecca Ausmus (with slight edits) Look her up!

Shout out to all who identify with "this woman." Who have felt her pain, and yet chose to love yourself and be a light to others suffering in the darkness.

Are you struggling? Don't suffer alone.

Please reach out to our friends at Serenity Behavioral Health & Wellness LLC

©Neon Lizard Creative 2021 | Rebecca Rausch | | 952.452.0168


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