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  • Writer's pictureREBECCA RAUSCH

5 Easy Ways to Know if Updating Your Signage Will Help Boost Sales

NLC is proud to share another informative guest post by Impression Signs!

Featuring none other than our very own client — Total Pet Wellness MN! Impression Signs did a great job on the sign as you will see!


While there are various ways to increase sales and activity within your business, sometimes one of the easiest ways is by way of something you see every day, your signage. We’ll help you find out if updating your signage will help make a difference when it comes to sales, with 5 easy questions.

While there are various ways to increase sales and activity within your business, sometimes one of the easiest ways is by way of something you see every day, your signage. We’ll help you find out if updating your signage will help make a difference when it comes to sales, with 5 easy questions.

Is it older than 8 years? When you look at something too often, it begins to lose its appeal and ultimately its effectiveness.

Does it have signs of natural wear and tear?

If your signage has sun damage, is missing any pieces, is bent, dented or simply looks overall worn out from the elements your sign can make your business appear less desirable and less appealing.

Is your sign so old it looks retro even though it’s not? If your sign is so old it’s cool again you might be tempted to just leave it, but old signs need love and maintenance too. If your sign looks out-of-date, it might be time to breathe new life into it and go for a more modern look or something that best represents your brand–the way you want to be seen and with the kind of aesthetic the customers you want to attract more of, would like.

Total Pet Wellness business sign post and signage design

This is the brand + sign design by NLC that was beautifully built by Impression Signs. It is even better at night!

Is it actually the right size? If your building or space has changed, is your sign still in the right place? Does it feel too big or too small? The most important question to ask is if it’s actually doing what you want it to do or is it limited by size or location? Can those who need to see it actually see it from the distance they’ll be away from it?

Do you think it currently helps drive the traffic you want to you?

If your sign doesn’t communicate who your business is, or who it is now, then getting a new sign is a no-brainer. As we start to learn new things, find our niche, and focus on one message or mission more directly sometimes our business changes. It’s okay to change your look, logo, or sign if your business has changed, that’s a part of growth. It’s also good to do to keep your business looking current, relevant, and reputable (plus, it never hurts to freshen things up a bit).

What did you answer?

If you answered yes to 2 or more of these questions, we recommend investing in new signage. We’ve helped many businesses, both large and small effect change within their company just by updating or adding signage. From wall murals to wayfinding signage to LED channel letters that show off your latest logo, we’re proud to say we’ve helped a lot of people feel inspired by their space, boost morale, build confidence and increase revenue within their business, just from a sign or signage project. And, we’re confident, whether you chose us or someone else to work with, a fresh update to your space, logo, or business will not only help boost sales but will help bring a fresh outlook to you, your business, and everyone who sees it.

Thanks for the guest post! NICE JOB!

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