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Writer's pictureREBECCA RAUSCH

What Do You Think You’re Doing?

You’re going to be found out. You are a fraud!

Sound familiar? Imposter Syndrome is a term used to define the irrational fear of being “found out.” That those around us may discover that we are not as bright or as talented as we portray. It is believed that nearly 70% of people struggle with this nagging insecurity. That’s almost everyone. How silly is that?

“I have written eleven books, but each time I think, ‘Uh oh, they’re going to find out now. I’ve run a game on everybody, and they’re going to find me out.” — Maya Angelou

Fear is the power that keeps us from taking the actions needed to achieve our goals. No one is immune to self-doubt other than perhaps narcissists or outright crazy people.

Perfection is overrated – Focus on the value you offer

Impostor Syndrome is the nemesis of the high achiever. Those who set a low bar are rarely a victim of this incapacitating fear. If this sounds like you, it’s a sure sign that you are a rock star. You strive for excellence at whatever goal you decide is worthy.

Overcoming the Imposter Syndrome requires a generous amount of grace and self-acceptance. You don’t have to be perfect or master every challenge to be worthy of the success you’ve achieved and the glory you’ve earned along the way. It’s more about setting the bar to a more realistic level that doesn’t leave you feeling inadequate. Remember, being a valuable asset to your organization doesn’t mean you must attain perfection; you just need to add value.

It is a blessing for all of us that she never let her battle with imposter syndrome stop her from putting pen to paper and sharing her thoughts and talents.

A man trying to conceal his identity using a cardboard mustache

There is no such thing as luck, you’ve earned your success

Don’t attribute your success to external factors. Women often do this more than men. They insist they got a lucky break, or someone’s help elevated them. In comparison, men tend to attribute their success to a wealth of internal traits, such as grit, talent, brains, and sheer hard work.

High achievers tend to focus more on what they haven’t done versus what they have. Even renowned experts will tell you that they know much less than they don’t know.

Take responsibility for your success. Downplaying them serves no-one. Don’t feel worthy? Perhaps try writing a list of all the great things you’ve accomplished over the last five years. You will be surprised at how much you have done.

Comparing yourself to others is just self-bullying

Comparisons are often biased, and rarely helpful. We often mistakenly assume others are getting by more effortlessly than we are. The reality is that most people are struggling just like you. Perhaps not in the exact same way, but in their own way, with their own unique set of challenges, silly insecurities, and internal dialogue.

Take the risk.

Don’t let imposter syndrome hinder your dreams. Don’t lower your bar so far that there is no risk. Our fears may cause us to stick with what we know - where risk is minimized - but letting fear drive the ship is a guaranteed way to live a life of disappointment and regret.

Take on challenges and pursue your dreams. Be ok with the fear of falling short, losing face, or being ‘found out.’ Everyone else is nervous too! Refuse to let self-doubt and insecurity stop you from discovering just how much you can do. If you reach for the top but only make it ¾ of the way, it is still further than you would have ever gone had you let fear dictate your path. In the process, you’ll come to realize that the only imposter is your fear.

©Neon Lizard Creative 2024 | Rebecca Rausch | | 952.452.0168


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